Intelligent Home Support Center

3, 4 & 5 Point Pack overview

Intelligent Home offers a variety of different wiring packages to our clients and our standard selection is the 3 Point Pack. 

The 3 Point Pack includes:

Depending on the type of Internet connection you have and where your internal points run to, there may be multiple ways to connect your modem.

You will generally have two data cables for phone & internet run from an internal point to your Garage next to a dedicated GPO (Power outlet) and NBN Connection point. The 3 main connection types are NBN FTTN/C (Fibre to the Node/Curb), NBN FTTP (Fibre to the Premise) and NBN HFC (Hybrid Fibre Coaxial). You can find out more information on NBN Connection types here.

NBN and your Internet Service Provider will test and prove connection at the first point in your Garage and leave you to plug in the cables so that you can connect your modem inside. Next to the NBN connection point in your Garage, you will notice that the 2 Data points are labelled Phone & Data. These 2 points run to the location that you have chosen inside the house and may be together or in separate locations and the names correspond to each other. Essentially, this is where your modem/router will be installed.

Using a standard Ethernet cable, connect the NBN Connection Device in your garage to the port that is labelled Internet, this will now send the NBN connection through to that corresponding port inside the house.