My alarm system shows a trouble light, what do I do?
Hills Vertex Keypad
Hills VoiceNav Keypad
The Hills VoiceNav will verbally communicate if there is a Trouble with the alarm system when you arm and disarm the alarm system.
You can also visually see troubles by looking at the STATUS LED on the top of the keypad. If the LED is Red, there is a trouble with the system that requires attention. Press the STATUS button, and the keypad should communicate the issue.
Hills TouchNav Keypad
The TouchNav Keypad will usually show a Green or Blue line on the touchscreen, which indicates that the alarm system is working correctly. If the line changes to Red, there is an issue with the alarm system.
You can press the STATUS icon on the touchscreen and type in your Master Code to find out more about the issue.
The 3 most common issues with an alarm system are:
- Battery Fail/Low
- Time & Date Loss
- AC Power Failure
An alarm system requires regular maintenance, including replacing the backup battery, which is used if the power is turned off in the home. We recommend replacing the battery backup every 3-5 years. Intelligent Home offers a bi-annual service check on your alarm system for $189 which includes the replacement of your backup battery.
If you would like to book an alarm service, please click here.